Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Passive House Poem

Passive Houses is our echo friendly future
We will help our environment
Less electricity more money for the future
Isn't this exciment don't you stay silent
Passive houses don't need traditional heating or cooling
With this we can conserve our environment don't be fooling.
Passive houses should be the new technique of housing
More windows the more light we extract
Solar panels are the new technique for the future

The picture shows a traditional house with no solar panels or a large amount
of windows  Source

The picture shows a Passive house with solar panels and a lot of windows to extract light

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Industrial Revolution

The Erie Canel was a way of transportation in the Industrial Revolution  Source

In the image we see how steel was produced. Source 


Here we see the people that worked the Black gold to make new products. Source



             The Erie canal was a canal from New York that ran about 363 miles from Albany and Buffalo connecting the Hudson River. The Erie canal benefited people in the Industrial Revolution by providing an early form of water transportation. Boats were a new way of transporting goods to the west and east. Through  out the 18th and 19th century the Erie canal was faster than carts pulled by draft animals and cut transport cost by 95 percent.
            United States became the the number one economy in the world, due to the fact that free enterprise, and entrepreneurs were a part of the contribution in the success of the U.S. Free Enterprise is an economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control. In the lead of success, businessman called entrepreneurs invested their own money in new industries risking  their investment if a venture failed. The entrepreneurs began to develop products to suit people's needs. These two factors were important to the United States, due to the fact that it was profitable to the economy and people could invest in their own.

         The US had an abundance of natural resources that, held it to become a world wide industrial power. With the benefit of having oil, it allowed the US to transport goods through the movement of steamboats. New transportation ways were open to people and products would get faster to their destination Another natural resource was oil, it lead to the invention of the steam engine. Iron became available as well in 1887 were they found more than 100 miles long and up to 3 miles wide.
        Black gold through eastern Native American tribes had made fuel and medicine from crude oil.In the 1840's, Americans began to using kerosene to light lamps. Until 1859 Edwin L. Drake used oil in a steam engine. Gasoline became a by product an was a useful tool for the automobile and became the most important form of oil.
            In the United States steel was the new method to produce more than 90 percent of the nation's steel. the railroads were built with the access of steel. Not only did steel make railroads bu, it changed the face of the nations well, it made innovative creations that benefited the people. One of the most known structure was the Brooklyn Bridge that was supported by steel. Steel became very well known and people from all over the world wanted the same benefit.
             Buildings in changed in the Industrial Revolution by having the components of steel. An example was Baron Jenney designed the first sky skyscraper with a steel frame. With steel architects could built high buildings. with the introduction of electricity the buildings,became more modern as inventions came along.        

Corps citizens? Summary

            In the article When Did Companies Become People? Excavating The Legal Evolution by Nina Totenberg. The author explains how corporations, took over people in the way of gaining profit. For years corporations were not given any constitutional rights of political speech. The first involved law was the first Amendment, which gave the right to spend money on state ballot initiatives. In the end of the Civil War, people adopted to the 14th Amendment. It provided an opportunity for the corporations to seek legal protection. By having the14th Amendment it provided equal protection to make sure that the states don't unequally mistreat corporations. People believe that corporations don't have the right against self-incrimination. On the other hand others argue that corporations don't deserve the rights for the corporations, due to the fact that they are just a company.

The Law protected the Rights of people (liberty &  property)  Source 

People protested for the corporation rights Source 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

How The Tycoons Became So Rich

      In the American Revolution corporations were able to be tycoons in order to buy and sell products to consumers. Tycoons were able to become very wealthy by, the process of controlling as much of the business as possible through vertical integration. Vertical Integration is known as the combination of one company of two or more products operated by separate companies. Corporations were able  to search for new ways to make better products cheaply. An example was Andrew Carnegie that became a steel manufacturer and bought other companies in order to have the most control and, be able to gain as much profit. He not only did profit but he also donate money to charities and was known as a model in the 19th century.

Andrew Carnegie and example of Vertical Integration with the steel Manufacturing Source

People believed that rich people was a sign of God Source


     As a result corporations began to have competition among their selves. Robber baron known as wealthy people who try to get land or business more money in a way that is dishonest or wrong. Business were raising prices higher than before and started to reduce wages of workers. With the idea of wealth social Darwinism kick it in, 
people that believed that being rich was a sign of God’s 
favor and a sing of being poor. 
In my opinion I believe that rich man liked the idea of social
Darwinism because, the government 
wouldn't question god’s rules and, they would believe that they are more superior than poor people.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Summary Tech Reading

          In the article How Science and Life Interacted During the American Revolution complain by Danny Blas we learned, how cities spread dramatically due to the people moving in to the cities. Technology such as steel helped America reach the skies by building taller buildings. Coming up with the elevator that reached the top and is more assessable for people.
  Technology changed how people moved around cities because, we created above surface, on surface and below surface transportation. Above transportation refers to airplanes. On surface transportation is known as street cars and, below surface are subways.
            Technology also changed the way we learned and read. Back before the Industrial Revolution people couldn't be informed rapidly, but now with the invention of the printer people could be informed at an earlier time. With paper printing every day and having newspapers and magazines people would be informed at any time of the day.   

             In the article The Passive House: Sealed for Freshness by Sandy Keenan we learned that a passive house is an environmentally responsible house without traditional heating and air conditioning systems.  Some people argue that passive houses are more expensive, however they are very echo friendly for the future.
          To be certified you have to meet three crucial benchmarks. The first requirement is if there has to be a certain level of air tightness determine by a door test. The other two requirements are the measures of energy use. All of this requirements are tested during the construction, they use fog machines and, cameras are brought to detect smaller air leaks. During construction people have different aspects such as Germans they don’t take things into account such as temperature, on the other 
hand Americans do.
            Residents in expensive neighborhood are against passive housing because they are jealous due to the fact that they don’t want different social class with them.
         Technology has changed Americans dramatically in the Industrial Revolution and today as well by transportation and by new materials that people have invented. For example people now can live in high apartments because, we have the technology of elevators and, new materials that are sustainable to hold the building together. Another way that we have improved is transportation people can move from place to place in vehicle or public transportation.