Thursday, January 15, 2015

U.S. After WWI

      When WWI occurred many conflicts and tragedy's hit American lives. Americans began to have a fear against war, Fear of the consequences that happened after WWI. The economy was in a difficult state, returning soldiers faced  unemployment they took their old jobs away from women and minorities. Another consequences after WWI was the cost of living it doubled and farmers and factory workers suffered. One big fear that Americans faced were the spread of communism, with the spread communist would put an end to private property and many other factors that would affect the residents.
     With all the issues that Americans were facing they reacted and came with the idea of
U.S. used the technique of nativism to prevent war
against foreign-born people
nativism meaning, prejudice against foreign-born people. Another technique that the Americans adopted with the experience of WWI was isolationism known as being isolated away from the countries.
U.S. had fears regarding the League of Nations so, they decided to not care for others. They didn't know if they wanted collective security.
  The goals of the Communist during the war was to take full control over the people and make the country all the same  for everyone to have the same beliefs and the same rights.  
Communism became a fear to the U,S,
it was the concept that countries adopted in WW1

Monday, January 12, 2015

Germany's Dissatisfaction

   During  WWI, many conflicts occurred between nations due to  the alliances that had been created at the time. According to the article "Germany's Dissatisfaction" by Danny Blas, Germany from the Central Powers was blockaded by Great Britain who was on the other side which was the Allies. Great Britain soon saw that the U.S. was shipping ammunition to Germany so, they decided to take a step and create a blockade.
In the picture we see the boundaries between the nations
     Then the U.S. found out about what was happening they decided to stop sending ships to deliver supplies in consequence  it upset the Germans. Approximately 750,000 Germans died from starvation as the result of the British blockade. The Blockade was intercepting every  U.S. boat and didn't let any supplies come to the Germans so they took action and attacked.
       Germany  in response for their attack used U-Boats to sink British ships not caring who were on the ships. A tragic experience that Americans faced was in May 7, 1915 when many American were lost.
Woodrow Wilson try to prevent war and make peace.
       The U.S. president Woodrow Wilson at the time didn't want to get involved in physical action with Germany instead  they tried to come to an agreement. The U.S. mediate a compromise between Germany and Britain. Woodrow Wilson through WWI wanted to keep things calmed and not go into physical  action and prevent to go to war because of the blockade.
      If I livid during WWI in my opinion i would agree with the goal that Woodrow Wilson had in mind. I believe the idea was a good start to first be calmed  prevent war and try to talk things out. Then come out with an agreement.  

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Why the U.S Joined WWI

      Dirty hairy disgusting rats crawling on your body while sleeping eating your food at night. This is how the soldiers in WWI had to live for 3 years nonstop fighting back in trenches. Diseases spreading everyday with the infested rats running around at night looking for something to eat.
     In my history class by reading the article WWI Begins for the U.S by Danny Blas WWI was an important event because, it was the first war where almost the whole world was involved. While reading the article and going more in depth I didn't know what caused the war so, I figured out that Nationalism, Imperialism, and Militarism and the formation of a system of alliances were the causes that led to the WWI. When the war was finally over The Triple Entente known as the Allies, France, Britain, Russia, and the U.S won the war by making a stop to the endless war that kept on going against the Central  Powers. With the help of U.S the Allies had faith in winning the war.
   The U.S. was not a major enemy against the other countries, but once the U.S. entered the conflict the other countries were beaten up and the U.S brought the end of the war. Without the help of the U.S. war would had not been over in a rapid amount of time and would still kept on going with no solution. Soldiers fought with the technology they had they didn't have cellphones or communication to know what the other was doing. Since WWI we have improved over the years how we fight in war.
Here we saw how soldiers stayed in the trenches
  Back in WWI war was conducted by using trenches where soldiers slept and protected themselves. Now in 2015 technology has grown. Now a days we control war by having small groups of soldiers attack. Another big factor that is different in WWI is that now we have women that serve our country and can go to war. Back in WWI weapons were used but, now we have different weapons that are controlled by people in buildings.Furthermore  transportation that we have  now  is an  advanced technology that can be controlled at any time. Since WWI we have advanced in the new techniques of fighting as we had back then  we fought in trenches.
In this picture we see one kind of guns that were used in war.