Friday, December 19, 2014

Food Inc: What is inside our Happy Meal?

  When I was in 4th grade McDonald's Happy Meals were my favorite thing to eat. The food was good, but the reason why i dragged my mom was because of the special toys hidden deep down in the bright-red boxes. I couldn't wait to open the red box and look at the toy I got. In order to earn this bright-red I had to behave and do my 
responsibilities at home. 
  In the documentary film Food Inc.,we were able to see how our food is created. How it goes to the farmers and how it gets to our Happy Meal. Also how the animals are being treated before getting killed and turned into food.
    When McDonald first began in the 1950's the workers delivered the food in roller skates. McDonald brothers realize that they were gaining a lot of money with their company so, they decided to go with a new process that would make them gain much more money. They decided to make their food in factories know as an assembly-line. The factory way had less workers with lower pay. If workers didn't work for them anymore the owners could replace the workers easily.  
     Of the food produced in America 8 out of 10 patties are controlled by four companies, Tyson, JBS, Cargill, and National Beef. When the food is delivered to the supermarket labels are misleading,because they give false advertisement to the consumers by saying that animals are being raised by humans when they are raised in factories. The industrial food is considered "dishonest" or misleading because they don't have the labels that indicate the environmental costs which are the causes that will be made to the environment. Another costs that people don't label on the food is the societal known as, the impact the the item will have in society. Last they don't include the health cost which are the proteins, nutrients etc in the items. Before all the labeling the chickens have to be treated with chemicals and the killed.  
    When chickens are raised in factories the workers in the farm inject the chickens so, that their body looks different to satisfy the needs of the people. With the treatments it causes the chickens to grow faster and make their breast bigger. Back in the 1950's chickens were not injected with chemicals they would grow normal. Fourth more in the movie we saw how company's don't let the media see their chickens in the factories.
      In the movie we saw how Vince Edwards the chicken grower for Tyson didn't let the filmmakers inside his chicken houses and,see how they are raised. Tyson didn't want the filmmakers to enter because, they don't want us to know the truth of how chickens are living and see how the chickens never see the sunlight.
   As I watched in the movie Joel Salatin's has a farm that produces organic food, which is animals that are raised naturally outside and not like factories animals. According to the U.S. department of Agricultural they believe that Joel Saltin's farm is considered "unsanitary," which means dirty and unhealthy because it's a open air farm. The USDA believe it's a unsanitary environment because, they kill chickens with kitchen knives in the open air. On the other side factories kill chickens with machines or other materials and not letting the chickens see the sunlight ever in their life.
     When we eat our Happy Meals and our fries we are eating corn. About 30 percent of the United States land is used to grow corn. The government pays to produce as much corn as possible to make food that we eat daily such as, chips, coke, and ketchup. The big companies of meat like the idea of having as much corn because, it's a very cheap and helps the farmers to feed the animals.
     Over the years animals have been feed with cheap corn to make them fat causing the cows to have E. Coli, which is a disease that affects
 your kidneys and other parts of your body. The disease can kill children and elders.

   When we eat meat or beef that is contaminated  can cause us health problems. Kevin Kowalcyk a 3 year old died in 2001 because he eat a hamburger that had E. Coli. When the government knew about is death they didn't do anything about it. Over the years scientist have discover a material to add to meat that has E. Coli known as ammonia to wash down the E. Coli. Ammonia is a pink slim that is added to meat in factories to take off the chemicals that can causes diseases. Many people still buy the food anyways because now a days food is very cheap and anyone can buy it.
    When we go to McDonald's we notice that the dollar menu is very cheap and we are able to buy as many items with not a lot of money. The food is very cheap because it's made of corn and it's a over cropped food. When people don't have a lot of money they go to a fast food restaurant and start buying food that they believe its healthy. Fast food can cause obesity,and  diabetes because of the corn that is in the food and the unhealthy chemicals that make you be unhealthy. People at times can't afford to buy healthy food in grocery due to the fact that its expensive instead they buy unhealthy food to make them not feel hungry. when people start to become sick they decided to buy food and bot pay for the medicine because, the costs is higher and fast food is cheaper.
     As we enter McDonald's we see tat there are many people working you may wonder where do some come from? The large meat packing companies get most of their workers because of Nafta that stands for  North America Food Trade Act it allows immigrants to work in the factories.
     Food corporations are protected by laws and they can't be judged in the media. If someone talks bad about a company they must go to court and fight against the company.


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